Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Regrets and thanks...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Lessons (Not) Learned
"The centerpiece of the campaign is the Web site,, which is meant to help women — the target audience for Pepperidge Farm — improve their social lives." Is it possible that this will still exist in six months?Indeed. "Connecting through cookies" - totally unironically - is the slogan/tagline of this site. Though it's perhaps not even as absurd as other campaigns mentioned, including,
In addition to Pepperidge Farm, the marketers going into the social media business include Jockey, with a humorous site for young men ( devoted to a video contest, and Dove, with an earnest site for women ( devoted to subjects like body image and self-esteem.Social networking around young men's underwear? I mean, I know there's a market online for that sort of thing, but is it really something that Jockey wants to associate itself with?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Link post.
For the others, who like me depend on better connected people to throw us a cool bone, i suggest:
Go on TED.COM - I suggest, as this should be somewhat connected to the class (as it is the class blog) to watch the conferences by Sergei Brin and Larry Page, Jeff Bezos, Seth Godin, Kevin Kelly, Jimmy Wales and Richard Baraniuk. Also in our reading roll and
giving talks is David Pogue talking about design. Great way to... ehem... research...
...will anyone be in Chapel Hill?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Inbox 2.0
Check out the article and let me know what you think...
Monday, November 12, 2007
In a more informal tone, I was disappointed we didn't quite get to discussing the role of reputation in accruing social capital. I don't know where to stand on it: it may be that a bad reputation will harm ones social capital in small societies. In larger societies, however, i would guess the principle of 'all press is good press' operates to a certain degree. This is of course context specific, depending on the line of work one is in, for instance. But tokening a seems a better means to maintaining weak ties than, well, good and forgettable behavior.
Any thoughts?
Iraq Vets and Social Capital
Young veterans, 20 to 24 years old, have an unemployment rate that's double the national rate. In 2006, it averaged 10.4 percent, compared with a 4.6 percent jobless rate nationally, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (The rate for young veterans varies from month to month. In October, it was a low 7 percent. But in September, it was 13.6 percent.)Kraft is older. He's 34. But in his job search, he has found that employers often don't know what to make of the job experience people get in the military. Kraft says employers look at his resume, see the three years he was in the Army, "and it's like there's a black hole in my resume."
Today, members of the military make up less than 1 percent of the population.
Dissertation Defense
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
MySpace vs. Friendster
"MySpace vs. Friendster: Loving the Graffiti Park, Leaving the Police State" (with props to danah boyd).
I may take up Lorraine's suggestion to repeat the research and try to publish it as a more longitudinal study.
Here's the Abstract:
The age of online social networking has arrived, but what are the implications? Is this a clearly youth-driven phenomenon, used primarily for dating and making new friends? How much are the people using such sites revealing about themselves? Has the blogosphere intersected with social networks or do they represent separate realms in cyberspace? In examining two of the most popular and well-known social network sites, MySpace1 and Friendster2, this study hopes to answer these and other questions. Furthermore, it aims to elucidate the underlying reasons for why MySpace has clearly overtaken Friendster as the more popular choice, based on its phenomenal and unprecedented growth over the past few years. By creating a random number sample of 140 user IDs on each site, we analyze the profiles of these users and show that, indeed, young people heavily dominate these social networks; most users have few friends and reveal modest amounts of information about themselves; the sites are used for more than just dating and relationships; blogging does not play a major role; and MySpace is vastly more popular among Americans than Friendster, which appears to be the favored choice of southeast Asian youth.
The Social Capital Gateway
With you today in spirit, if not in body,
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Farr's Conceptual History of Social Capital
Taking its departure from current debates over social capital, this article presents new textual findings in a backward-revealing conceptual history. In particular, it analyzes the texts and contexts of Lyda J. Hanifan who was rediscovered by Robert Putnam as having (allegedly first) used the term; it offers discoveries of earlier uses of the term and concept—most notably by John Dewey—thereby introducing critical pragmatism as another tradition of social capital; and it recovers features of the critique of political economy in the nineteenth century—from Bellamy to Marshall to Sidgwick to Marx—that assessed "capital from the social point of view, " especially cooperative associations. While it ends with Marx’s use of "social capital, " Dewey is its central figure. The article concludes by returning to the present and offering work, sympathy, civic education, and a critical stance as emergent themes from this conceptual history that might enrich current debates.
This can be found via the UNC eJournals link.
Farr, James. (2004). Social Capital: A Conceptual History. Political Theory 32(1): 6-33. Available at Sage Journals Online.
Social Networking and Advertisements
Software, rules and community at Orange Politics
Ruby explains here on her personal blog which causes one participant to announce his leaving the blog/community.
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Man Behind the Google Phone
Rural Connectivity
Ericsson is partnering with The Earth Institute and with pan-African telecom MTN to bring mobile broadband connectivity to the Millennium Villages, beginning with the village of Mayange in Rwanda, with plans to extend to all seventy-nine Villages across 10 countries, reaching approximately 400,000 people.
According to the article, there will be a toll-free phone service for medical emergencies, connecting patients with on-duty personnel at the Village’s health centers, and mobile sets will also be used as a tool for training community health workers in collecting and sharing basic health information.
...if in five years Ericsson doesn’t come back around and give out new phones, and if no one continues to maintain the mobile broadband connectivity indefinitely for free, will that service still be there for you and your kids? If you came to rely on that service, would you suddenly be able to afford it yourself?
For people in the Millennium Villages, free may be the only price they can pay right now. But if Ericsson is really looking to get long-term bang for its philanthropic buck, it should also be looking to construct service models that do not just lay the groundwork for increased economic activity, but are models of economic scale in themselves.
Perhaps superfluous to note but -
- creating communities of practice,
- integrating new practices into communities, and
- creating online communities
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Moving the Furniture Around
Friday, November 2, 2007
This may be interesting to some
- Against academic blogs: Adam Kotsko criticizes the effectiveness of the practice
- Against against academic blogs: the flipside of the same issue, this time by Scott Eric Kauffman
Social Media and Public Relations
Her presentation and lecture told how she and her agency leverage Podcasts, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Google, and blogs as channels both to distribute messages and to measure the effectiveness of messages. She also told how she uses Twitter more than email; she is the first CEO of a larger business I have heard to admit such.
This demonstrates the real-world emergence and importance of Social Media, and how it can certainly be leveraged for related fields of study. This also further supports my previous blog post below and the monetization of social media on the web (see this post). I might pursue an interview at a later time. Also, I was called out in class while blogging this and Twittering it (I blame my loud Macbook keys), so I hope this post is appreciated :)
MySpace jumps on board OpenSocial
I believe Facebook should accept OpenSocial, too. Unfortunately, this would sacrifice security, control, and alienate the thousands of developers who have already contributed time and money to develop Facebook applications with FBML and FQL (see
I do think this will make the lives of developers easier. But ultimately, it must make the lives of users easier in order to become widely adopted. And it will. Users can centralize core profile and activity information in a single location, making it easy to change and distribute profile changes to numerous social networking branches.
Overall, I see OpenSocial (assuming adequate privacy protections are put in place) as a major step forward both for developers and users, and a move toward unified/persistent web identities.
New York Times
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Cult and Community
Club or community?
The idea of many of these so called communities leads me to think of their physical counterparts. I would be hard pressed to call the members of Jenny Craig or the African drum circle a community, yet in cyberspace, special interest groupings get that label. Are there different standards upon which we judge something to be a community? Or is the discourse simply different (e.g. there probably is more discussion in an african drum circle chatroom than an actual drum circle). What are the prerequisites for 'community' - and could they be applied uniformly to internet and physical groups? are these communities just online clubs?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Designing Online Communities
I believe Preece has a valid point when she says, "[the] commercialization of the Internet is sweeping online communities along in its wake, thereby diluting the potency of the concept" (14). Many of Preece's observations stem from discussions on UseNet, ICQ, bulletin boards, and mailing lists. These old forms of communication originated from early uses of the Internet. For example, ARPANET began as a method to communicate with and share computer resources among mainly scientific users at connected institutions; the Internet was a medium for document and information exchange. However, users quickly realized there was a killing to be made (i.e., money money money). Current trends encourage developers to find ways to draw visitors to their websites — to increase participation and, therefore, to increase potential profit through direct sales or through advertisement click-through (Google Adsense). This entire evolution can be seen in the development of Facebook. Facebook began as a portal for information exchange and maintaining relationships. Recently, Facebook has exposed an API for third party applications. Facebook has also been including inline advertising in News Feeds, and Facebook has sold a stake in the company to Microsoft to sell banner ad space. This trend of monetization has enveloped many many more web sites in the social sphere. Where there is a community there is potential money to be made.
Of course, I blame Google (others too, but Google is a great example). There will be individuals with truly novel ideas (i.e., YouTube, StumbleUpon, Jaiku, Writely). These communities and tools successfully enable users to share information and ideas. However, I feel that many newer communities are no longer built for the noble or novel intention of community-building. Instead, many communities (but not all, of course) are built hoping to be bought by Google (or others) for millions upon millions of dollars.
This want for profit leads to several worthy concerns, the primary concern being usability. Usability encourages and facilitates easier participation, and therefore a higher probability that the user will purchase a product or encourage others to participate in the community. Preece cites many examples and characteristics of usability, participation, and design: how users communicate (159), how types of users influence communication (125), the "Magic Number Seven, Plus Or Minus Two" by George Miller, and more. But I feel that communities nowadays focus more on money than on "community".
E-commerce and monetization also leads to the restriction of "community" and communication. For example, Preece describes the specialization of conversation on e-commerce sites on page 68. E-commerce sites must create a sense of privacy and trust amongst its users. Preece cites and as examples of restricted (or focused) communication to aid user participation and increase potential sales. Both web sites implement forms of communication that help users find information; however, both forms of communication ultimately help further the "bottom line" — profit.
Do others see this trend? Is this trend only a branch of the larger "online community" tree? Or does this represent a more global shift in the philosophy of the online community?
Monday, October 29, 2007
Privacy on Facebook
I'm certainly not one of these alarmist critics of the Internet or social networking; far from it in fact. But I do think it's foolish to ignore the potential downside of the open flow of information in this specific context. And no, I'm not interested in "projecting my fears onto my children," as Paul half-jokingly suggested. Rather, I only hope to instill a modicum of common sense in them (my daughter AND my son) so that by the time they start dabbling online and joining their own social networking sites (who knows what they may be in 5-7 years?), they exercise good judgment and a fair degree of restraint.
I also hope, like Lori opined in her previous post, that my kids continue to thrive in their offline lives and grow to appreciate the wonders of the physical world as much as they learn to delight in the riches of the digital one.
Detached Children
At that moment two things happened - I remembered the sound of the wind blowing across the snowy prairie land in the middle of Winter. I also had a profound sense of disconnect as the rational thought suddenly hit me -- children who play this game who have never experienced a winter like that, or for that matter, have never really spent any time in nature at all, will never have that gut-level physical reaction to a memory; that feeling of almost shivery "thank god I'm inside a warm house right now" sense of recognition of the potential harshness of nature.
I really have to wonder how increasing virtual "worlds" will impact children growing up, who may never have the actual physical experience with which to relate to the online depiction.
Online Communities
So I am going to add a few notes about the reading from today's assignment on Online Communities: Designing Usability, Supporting Sociability.
Overall, it is interesting, although certainly during the first two chapters it really seemed that much of what was said could have been said in (at least) half the space. I realized, however, that some of that perception may have come from already having read many of the authors that Preece cites in this book. In addition, given that Preece's book was published in 2000, it is only fair to note that much of this material would have seemed much more novel to me then.
Overall, I couldn't find any points of disagreement with Preece's exposition, although there were a couple of places that it seemed she made some flat-out assertions that were more in the realm of opinion than proven fact, and that she would have done well to justify them. For example, on p. 63 she says, "Should all classes be held online? Absolutely not, students need face-to-face interaction, too." Now, I actually agree with her on this, but the trends in distance education do seem to be toward increasingly web-oriented coursework. Unfortunately, Preece offers no real rationale for her preference for face-to-face interaction or for this assertion.
I thought Chapter 3 would make a good template of topics to begin looking at the online communities we will be reviewing in our term projects. She provides a good structure for analyzing a particular community, or even for thinking about necessary community elements when considering the possibility of starting up such a community. One thing I would have liked to see a bit more emphasis on was the tendency (or lack thereof) for communities to expand beyond what was originally intended by its developers, but perhaps that will come in a later chapter. For instance, do certain software structures, by-laws, or moderating techniques tend to support or reduce organic growth and change? Preece does mention this briefly, but more discussion of empirical examples would've been cool.
Chapter 4 also provided an interesting list of attributes one could use to analyze a community, and I was especially interested in Preece's mention on p. 126 of the desirability of creating "broad, shallow menus rather than narrow, deep ones." I was also interested in her comment that the gap between the use of the Internet by the rich and poor, the well-educated and less education is increasing . (pp. 130-131) I was wondering, since this book was published 7 years ago, whether that is still a trend we are seeing. Does anyone know this?
Finally, Preece notes that MUDS have their instances of "killers." What's that?
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Interesting Article on Social Capital
Estimating the Causal Effect of Social Capital: A Review of Recent Research
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Underspecification of a model
What Happens if we Underspecify or Overspecify a Linear Model?"
Now in fact, there are situations where underspecification of the model may be, if not desirable, at least understandable. One possible situation is where there is multicollinearity (i.e., the independent variables in the model are correlated with each other). That was why I suggested that there may be a question of whether the ethnicity is correlated with the family structure variables. (That could be why they didn't include those variables, but it would have been desirable for them to let the reader know that.)
Also, in other types of regression, underspecifying a model can sometimes be desirable to achieve precision.
However, I just didn't see anything in this article to suggest it was an explicit decision to leave out those family structure variables.
Which is not to say that the article and the research is invalid -- there is still good reason to have faith in their conclusions, just that if it is underspecified then some of the values they felt were insignificant may actually prove significant with a more complete model and the overall significance of the findings may be skewed with an underspecified model.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Geographic, Ethnic, and Internet Spaces
But I digress!
Due to my absence, I thought I'd be the dutiful student and post some thoughts on this week's reading, Chapter 14 in our current book. I found this article quite interesting and refreshing in terms of its hypothesis and primary research question, excellent lit review, and well-written summary of findings. As the research indicates a strong correlation across ethnic lines between making friends online and maintaining personal ties within real communities, I found myself asking, does this finding hold true for less urban populations, more geographically isolated and less culturally diverse communities (e.g., a small town in central Iowa). Does the average middle American Goth kid, dressed in black and ostracized as a "freak" at school, with few real world social contacts and little social support, suffer from an equal lack of contact and support online? I would guess the answer may be no. I know this is drawing on a stereotype, but you get the point.
I wonder too whether there wasn't enough focus on the socio-economic influencing factors, rather than socio-cultural. Except for the unique case of the economically challenged Koreatown residents, who registered high levels of online social connectedness, all other low income groups fell into the bottom end of the spectrum. This might suggest that everyday access to technology--or lack thereof--may have been as strong an influencing factor as ethnic and cultural variables. (See chart 14.1 on page 416 and look at the values for the income variable.)
Finally, I was curious to know whether Korean websites still comprised about a third of the top 10 most popular in the world (p. 419), so I Googled it. This result doesn't seem to support that finding anymore, but it has some interesting facts and footnotes. Alexa's latest results don't show any foreign sites in the top 10 either.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Last year's reports as examples
Our readings are not exactly the same, but you'll see a lot that is familiar to you.
About those presentations, here are some suggestions that helped folks last year:
# choose a virtual community or blog
# describe the community or blog in terms we’ve used in the class (relate to readings and discussion of community and Into the Blogosphere and others where appropriate)
# evaluate the community’s or blogs potentials and inherent conflicts and resolutions
# does the community or blog develop trust? how? is it an example of citizen journalism? how?
# are there hierarchies in place? are issues of gender or age or ethnicity or other issues and raised in Internet in Every Day Life readings — who are the community of readers and participants? is the social network
# are “loose ties” apparent (Granovetter)? how do they work in this community or blog?
# how does the interface (see Preece) allow for sociability or block social interactions?
# how is social capital expressed within the site and beyond that site?
Wikipedia's "Good Samaritans"
Chronicle Wikipedia article
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Most LIbrarians say, "Facebook outside the purview of professional librarianship"
"While the burgeoning trend in online social networks has gained much attention from the media, few studies in library science have yet to address the topic in depth. This article reports on a survey of 126 academic librarians concerning their perspectives toward, an online network for students. Findings suggest that librarians are overwhelmingly aware of the “Facebook phenomenon.” Those who are most enthusiastic about the potential of online social networking suggested ideas for using Facebook to promote library services and events. Few individuals reported problems or distractions as a result of patrons accessing Facebook in the library. When problems have arisen, strict regulation of access to the site seems unfavorable. While some librarians were excited about the possibilities of Facebook, the majority surveyed appeared to consider Facebook outside the purview of professional librarianship."
I'm always fascinated by the sometimes diametric opposition of librarian attitudes toward things like this to the attitudes of people outside academic librarianship.
Ch.10 and 12 Commentary
As for Ch. 12 on Netville, although it wasn't exactly a stinging defeat for the utopians who saw huge potential for social change in the form of a highly-connected planned community, the data surely didn't offer a great deal of evidence that such a setup leads to an increase in overall social contact or support. I found it interesting that two of the only statistically significant factors in the former case were age and level of education. As stated on page 357, "Being connected to the local network has the same effect on boosting social contact as four more years of education or nearly thirteen years of increased age." See kids, you just need to stay in school and get older! Who needs the bleedin' Internet?! ;)
It was encouraging to read that the wired members of Netville managed to maintain pre-move levels of support for contacts across all distances and that on average they knew more names of their neighbors than did non-wired community members. But I liked the point near the end of the chapter that equally important to the forming of ties is the presence of gathering places (cafés and such) and access. I think these crucial real-world contributing factors are what makes a place like Carrboro such a vibrant and connected community, whatever the level of CMC that exists among its generally well-educated population.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Age of Propoganda
The book discusses the power of rhetoric and the use of persuasion, and collects and summarizes numerous published works on persuasion. Citing Klamer and McClosky's "One Quarter of GDP is Persuasion", Armstrong concludes that "persuasion is big business."
Klamer and McClosky's piece itself, although dated (1995), is interesting. Besides having been written by McClosky back when she was still Don and not Deirdre and back when I was in frequent communication with him(her) as a potential scholar to serve on my then-still-in-the-"someday"-stage dissertation committee, it contains a subtle tint of much of McClosky's searing critique of economics as a so-called "value free" science while still effectively using the statistics that economists love so much to convince them of its argument.
Nonetheless, I am going to read Age of Propoganda and see if it convinces me, or at least makes me more aware of when someone is sweet talking me with rhetoric that needs a deeper examination.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Potentially Interesting Odum Short Course Coming Up
This course focuses on how and why words, numbers, symbols and graphics independently and jointly influence answers to questions in Internet and paper surveys. It begins with theoretical background on why and how the visual aspects of questions are interpreted by respondents and guide their reading and comprehension of meaning. Applications of the theory and research to designing individual person and establishment surveys in ways that improve their usability for respondents will be provided. The course ends with a discussion of the substantial implications these ideas have for the design of mixed-mode surveys in which some respondents are asked to report aurally (e.g. telephone) and others are asked to complete visually communicated (web or mail) survey questions.
For people interested in doing (or understanding) Internet surveys, it sounds like it could be good. So Paul, how would you feel if someone missed class that day to go to this course and then report back to the class? (hint hint)
Neighborhoods in Network Society
This study examines whether the Internet is increasingly a part of everyday neighborhood interactions, and in what specific contexts Internet use affords the formation of local social ties. Studies of Internet and community have found that information and communication technologies provide new opportunities for social interaction, but that they may also increase privatism by isolating people in their homes. This paper argues that while the Internet may encourage communication across great distances, it may also facilitate interactions near the home. Unlike traditional community networking studies, which focus on bridging the digital divide, this study focuses on bridging the divide between the electronic and parochial realms. Detailed, longitudinal social network surveys were completed with the residents of four contrasting neighborhoods over a period of three years.
Three of the four neighborhoods were provided with a neighborhood email discussion list and a neighborhood website. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to model over time the number of strong and weak ties, emailed, met in-person, and talked to on the telephone. The neighborhood email lists were also analyzed for content. The results suggest that with experience using the Internet, the size of local social networks and email communication with local networks increases. The addition of a neighborhood email list further increases the number of weak neighborhood ties, but does not increase communication multiplexity. However, neighborhood effects reduce the influence of everyday Internet use, as well as the experimental intervention, in communities that lack the context to support local tie formation.
Given that it addresses pretty much everything we've been discussing with a good methodological approach and what looks like some tasty longitudinal data, definitely worth a read (er, assuming we have access to the journal, which I can't tell right now, not being on campus).
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Does the Internet take away time from our offline friends?
"What might be a surprise, though, is that all of this online interaction is apparently not detracting from interaction with close friends and family offline. While 37.7 percent of respondents said that the Internet helps them communicate more with family and friends, "almost all" users reported that increased Internet interaction has no effect on the amount of time spent with those people in real life."
My question is do you think this is accurate or do you think "almost all" users responded that way because they didn't want to say they were neglecting their offline friends because they were participating too much with online activities?
Here's the link
Monday, October 15, 2007
Tangent Roundup - 8/10/07
From Post Secret we moved directly onto the illustrious acting careers of classmates and were treated to a special viewing of Doug's Dark Past, complete with ghost girls on buses. That's hott.
Early in class, Paul also referenced his all powerful Facebook Zombie and talked about how his knowledge of social networks has allowed him to reach his mogul status. Little did we know, he was perfectly seguing into a discussion of Granovetter's "Strength of Weak Ties".
One of the points we discussed was how the more tightly bound a community is, the faster info travels through it, and that there's greater trust. Of course there's an opposite view -- information from the outside is less trusted. Here, Paul very quickly mentioned Vannever Bush and memex and a 1945 article in The Atlantic Monthly called "As We May Think".
He went on to discuss the English longbow vs. the Turkish composite bow and the rigging of Arabic ships. Basically, throughout history groups have resisted new information and innovations (More on this in the Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen. Also, disruptive technologies in general.).
So how does new info get in?
Grannoveter thinks he knows a way - through people who are respected. Here we mention Malcolm Gladwell. You could read The Tipping Point but this New Yorker article has the gist: "Six Degrees of Lois Weisberg".
Mavens, connectors, whatever. Paul says it all boils down to the age-old storytelling device: A stranger comes to town and something happens. Otherwise there's no story -- people stay in town. The end.
So, we move later in class to a discussion of Pew Internet and this somehow transitions into Fred Stutzman's Facebook research. Paul makes a comment about how would you feel if everyone came up to you and told you all of their personal preferences -- my hobbies are this and I like these movies and I listen to x... reminding me of this comic from XKCD. (Sorry, that tangent is completely mine).
Finally, class ended with a discussion about how hard it is to get information that's unframed by some source -- and basically, would you want it? Information like so many people yelling at you unfiltered? Paul compared this to Vernor Vinge's A Fire Upon the Deep, a gripping tale of galactic war told on a cosmic scale.
And so class went from ghosts to zombies to mavens to aliens, oh my.
Tangent Roundup - 8/8/07
So in customary fashion, I sat on the idea for a week.
But, now, I sit no longer! Or well, I am still sitting, but now I am also typing. We'll see what we end up with.
Most of the class discussion centered around the opening pages of Internet and Everyday Life. One of the key messages (I starred it in my notes, and everything) seemed to be that despite what people will always write about new technologies, technology doesn't really change people, people adapt the new technologies to do things they've always done. Paul, in discussing how the need is to connect to people and the node is the internet, had a nice analogy about the high school girl in crisis through the years: We've gone from the "Please Mr. Postman" deliver de letter to the lonely girl by the phone to the refresh refresh refresh of today's email.
Big Ideas in little bitty references
In looking at Wellman's chart of change, we talked about whether networked individualism really does have the results he lists, and this led to referencing Robert Putnam's Bowling Alone, in which he argues that social capital has declined since the 1950s, using your local bowling team -- or lack thereof -- as proof. Read more in Wikiland >>
Richard Florida was also namedropped for his The Rise of the Creative Class, as an example of how the more people are networked and able to establish voluntary connections with special interests, the more powerful they'll be. Or -- as stated in this Washington Monthly article -- why cities without gays and rock bands are losing the economic development race. See fancy pants site >>
Death by Video Game
Not sure how we went from networked individualism and Bowling Alone to here, but we moved on to discuss the ultimate "game over" -- starting with the first case in S. Korea and confirming there have been several incidents since. Some links:
- BBC: S. Korean dies after games session
- Second gamer dies after massive binge
- More recently: Man dies after three-day web bender
- A much older death from 1982
Left Behind: Eternal Forces
A more natural jump from video games -- we briefly touched on this Shoot 'em up for the End Times. From Wikipedia: "In addition to extensive spiritual warfare, armed conflict ... is an additional aspect of the game ... In its description of the game the Left Behind Games Company states 'The remaining population – those who were left behind – are then poised to make a decision at some point. They cannot remain neutral.' "
A reflection on Paul, pre-internet
This was the parting thought the class was left with: Who was Paul Jones before the internet? Feel free to post your own hypothesis in the comments.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Social Networking - The Analog Version
"WHEN Amy Waldman first signed on to Facebook last year and started to send joking messages about good grammar back and forth with a new 18-year-old friend, Ms. Waldman’s 19-year-old daughter, Talia, upbraided her for not revealing that she was actually in her 40s.
“You have to tell her you’re old,” she explained, “because on Facebook, that’s creepy.”"
That's actually sort of how I felt when the guy who ended up as the guitar player in my new band first messaged me via Facebook, if only to tell me he dug my musical tastes. I felt a bit odd replying to him that first time, partly out of self-concsiousness for thinking maybe *he* would be creeped out that I was pushing 40 (at the time) while also clearly "engaged" in the social networking game. Turns out I was dead wrong and that a genuine friendship and musical collaboration developed out of this random first encounter. This is social networking at its finest, thought I!But this past Friday night I couldn't help thinking how rewarding the original version of social networking (analog, real-world, that is) truly was and still is. I decided at the last minute to cruise into town from Hillsborough to check out the Donnas at the Cradle. I knew of only one person who was going, but I've never seen them and thought it would be a good way to blow some steam before heading into a weekend of reviewing for the comp exam. Turns out I run into a law professor who I've gotten chummy with at work, a guy who hails from Memphis and has deep ties to the Memphis music scene. So we end up hanging out for the surprisingly short and somewhat perfunctory Donnas set. In front of us for some time is Glenn Dicker, who co-owns and runs local indie label/distributor YepRoc/RedEye (which happens to be distributing the Donnas new independent release). Glenn went to high school in Pennsylvania with my best friend, Matt, who later went on to road manage the Flaming Lips. Well, it turns out that Adam (my professor friend) was good friends with an RA in college at Yale who also happened to become one of Dicker's closest associates at Rounder Records a few years after that. (The RA happens to be none other than Jake Guralnick, son of noted rock critic/writer, Peter, but that's just a cool aside.) Small world. Adam had never met Glenn so I said I'd have to make introductions later, as I'm casually friendly with Mr. Dicker myself (the strength of weak ties??).
Later, when we all end up at the Nitelight to see some band called Tulsa from Boston, Glenn graciously offers to buy us all a round. That's not before Adam and I discover that we both know another RedEye employee: one of his pool playing pals is another old acquaintance of mine, Mary Gunn. Then, before I even get in the door, my massage therapist's son, Jesse, who I've known since he was about 8 years old, shouts out, "Doug!", makes some chitchat, and asks what I'm doing Halloween night. "Going to see Nada Surf at the Cradle, dude" I reply. "Right on, man, because my band is opening for them!" he responds excitedly. "Wow--how did you score that gig?" I ask. Turns out Jesse used to serve the lead singer espresso every weekday morning the few years he lived up in Brooklyn. So on a whim he emailed the Nada Surf frontman and asked if his band might please have the opening slot. The strength of weak ties yet again, version 1.0.
I had a great night out on Friday and really enjoyed the randomness of connections that went on all around me that night. It left me feeling that facebook and myspace, for all their relative grooviness, leave a lot to be desired when all is said and done.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Does the Internet mean being alone?
Yes, my time online subtracts from time I would otherwise spend with others nearby. Instead, I rely on the Internet, for better or worse, to construct weaker but far more numerous relationships than I ever could in person. These weaker relationships (i.e., Twitter, AIM, Facebook, etc.) allow more distant connections. But are these distant and weaker connections more valuable than fewer face-to-face relationships? This depends entirely on the situation. My website and targeted forum participation has allowed me to gain far more clients from many different countries than I could ever hope to gain from face-to-face discussions or even paper advertisements. These distant but numerous connections created by my website and work-related social networking have created a tremendous increase in business profit. However, I feel the quality and time devoted to my close and physical relationships here at home has deteriorated. I spend less time in person with less people. Granted, Facebook does enlarge the social sphere of weaker ties, but is this necessarily a good thing? Does Internet time mean sacrificing your stronger face-to-face ties? Or do you believe the Internet compliments, or even strengthens, already close ties?
Thoughts on the "Meyer" readings
I liked the Saul Friedman piece, though I thought if was fairly obvious. I mean, when *are* the MSM going to get the freakin' picture on this?! It was one thing to see MSM cave into the sort of phony baloney "fair and balanced reporting" in the wake of 9/11, where suddenly every major media outlet seemed hellbent on positioning itself as somehow more patriotic than the next (i.e., by NOT disagreeing too too much with any of the B.S. emanating from Washington). However, it's been 6 long years since then, and only now, a year after the opposing party made it hip and safe again for MSM to paint the administration in a bad light, do we see a significant shift away from the kind of faux-objective journalism Friedman disparages.
On the other hand, I think Friedman and I are being too broad here...the MSM reports on a whole lot more than just politics, and they often do offer intelligent, bold reporting on many other topics, where they may qualify assertions with counter opinions but do enough investigating to effectively squash specious arguments and "take a stand" on a given topic. I think in that sense the criticism of the MSM has gone a bit far of late.
The climate change piece by Steve Outing didn't sit quite as well with me. While I agree that climate change is a critical issue that deserves all the well-investigated press and MSM coverage it can get, I don't think it is the job of a MSM outlet--be it print newspaper, weekly newsmagazine, or online paper--to serve as the champion for any particular cause, constantly reminding its readers of that cause's importance and devoting inordinate amounts of space to convincing readers to "make a difference." Just give me the facts, please, mixed with a healthy dose of informed opinion, yes. But leave the persuasive advocacy to the Oxfams, Greenpeaces, Doctors Without Borders, and (on the other side of the political spectrum) NRAs or Focus on the Families of the world. You can avoid bogus "objectivity" without becoming a mouthpiece for the cause of the moment.
Thoughts on Granovetter
First of all, I’m stunned that Granovetter’s piece first appeared over thirty years ago, at a time when only the most forward-thinking computer scientists could have envisioned what the Internet could become. Although he doesn’t frame his argument at all around technology-based communities (how could he have then?), the applicability of his ideas to today’s online social networks and virtual communities is, indeed, striking.
Second, I struggled with some of the more abstract concepts in his article, not least of which was his point about “local bridges.” He states on the one hand “only weak ties may be local bridges” (p.1365). But he also writes that weak ties “are certainly not automatically bridges” (p.1364). I think I get what he’s trying to convey, insofar as only those weak ties that represent the shortest path between two points constitute a local bridge; but this portion of his treatise left me scratching my head a bit.
Later in the article this did become clearer in the example of two Boston communities whose success in organizing against an urban renewal plan was markedly different. In one community (the West End), where organizing efforts failed to take root, weak ties existed but almost all originated from a singular context: people meeting friends of friends. This did NOT lead to his so-called local bridges and instead left the community fragmented. As Granovetter points out about the community that was successful in organizing against the urban renewal (Charlestown), it benefited from a richer social organization presence and greater number of locally employed citizens. He concludes that “there must be several distinct ways or contexts in which people may form [weak ties]” (p.1375) in order for them to become effective bridges.
Finally, I take exception with some of Granovetter’s broader generalizations, especially the bit about trust and leaders, wherein he posits, “Leaders, for their part, have little motivation to be responsive or even trustworthy toward those to whom they have no direct or indirect connection” (p.1374). What?! A true leader, in my eyes, is someone who inspires trust not just in those with whom he or she has direct contact, but in a broad audience of people, known and unknown. I also don’t agree that people’s trust in a leader is based largely on the existence of “intermediary personal contacts” who can basically vouch for the leader’s legitimacy and trustworthiness. I’ll be my own judge of character, thank you very much.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Internet in Everyday life
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Citizen Media Sites
Northwest Voice: This site is still up and active. There are postings but the site lacks a lot of interaction. The most recent postings have no responses or comments and also have a low number of viewings. The site is active. There are little comments in response to the articles. The site does not appear to be a successful social community.
an informal survey
Can virtual communities be, in a sense, liminal spaces for morality? Does a moral code necessarily arise from a community? Does the lack of physical presence limit the need for a moral code (limited ability to produce physical harm etc)
I just want to know what others think.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Facebook steals first base from Myspace
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Journalism 2.0
Monday, October 1, 2007
What's with the link-weighted searching, anyway?
So far they have been totally ho-hum and mostly related to a post I wrote on nature vs. technology: the lead-in apparently occurs when people search for "nature vs. nurture," which is in the text of the post. Another person searched for "documentation strategy." Someone else for Derrida.
I'm pleased to see that today, however, a search worthy of being called odd led to my blog. I can't even begin to explain what did it. The search was for "energy feeding aliens."
Radiohead to Smother Music Industry with Pillow
This weekend the band announced that its new album, called "In Rainbows," will go on sale on Oct. 10. They still haven't signed with a label, and the album won't be available in record stores nor on iTunes or any other online music shop. You'll find it only on the band's site, and if you're looking for a digital version, the price is very attractive: Whatever you'd like to pay.You can pre-order the new album here. Click to purchase the download and you're presented with a simple screen at which you've got two boxes to fill in, quantity and price (in pounds). "It's up to you," the site says.
This makes me incredibly happy. Not just that there's a new Radiohead album dropping two days after my birthday, and not just that it'll be as free as I want it to be, but that they're doing their part to bring to a close the current structure of the corrupt, extortionist record industry:
Radiohead completed their contract with the EMI label with their last album, "Hail to the Thief," and since then have not kept their antipathy toward record companies very secret. In this clip a fan pleads, "Tell us about the new album!" Yorke answers, "Who says there's an album?" And when the New York Times asked him about it last year, Yorke drew a picture of a band deeply disillusioned with the state of the music industry today. "We were having endless debates, spending entire afternoons talking about, 'Well, if we do something, how do we put it out?' ... It just became this endless and pointless discussion. Because in our dreams, it would be really nice to just let off this enormous stink bomb in the industry."
...For every $1 song sold on iTunes, according to reports, Apple keeps about 30 cents, giving about 70 to the record label. But activists say artists typically get just 8 to 14 cents per song from the deal -- or about $0.80 to $1.40 per album sold digitally.
So that's the main test here; in order for the band to come out ahead, Radiohead needs to clear only more than a buck-50 per sale. Easy.
And that's supposing that they even care about making money from the album (as opposed to their sold-out-in-perpetuity tours) which, millionaires many times over, they don't really need to worry about.
Yet another emergent model for how to make money online for creative efforts, and one that bears watching both for its own success (highly likely) or further adoption (also likely).
Is MySpace Really That Popular?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Story time?
The site is accessible by invitation only though one can browse at leisure, you just have to be invited in to participate by someone. It was created as a forum, originally, to explore London by Londoners (LBL) and morphed into a community called fridaycities, then meetings started to take place at people's homes and eventually a real-world interaction formed (though fueled by far too many pints). There was a name confusion going on though. Since people on the site have screen-names, at meetups (at least the first few I attended) people referred to each other by their avatar. So i spent some time looking for 'litro-kay' and this was not uncommon.
Social capital is earned by means of 'kudos' which you accumulate and trade for witty comments or adding new people to the network. The people with the most kudos are displayed on a special page.
In any case, i thought it interesting so I'm posting a link to the page
Méfiez vos voisins!
A simple search box allows you to enter the zip code of a potential neighborhood and see whether others have made any comments about their neighbors. When I checked out my own zipcode (27278), I was provided the following map:
Mostly I was relieved to find that we weren't added to the rotten neighbor list. Otherwise, it reminded me a bit of the World War II posters used in France to exhort good citizens to report any bad citizenship on the part of one's neighbors.
That was before I started wondering why I would ever want to reduce the chances of one day selling my own home by pointing out the unattractive aspects of my neighborhood -- unless of course I wanted to advertise it by saying, "You know that nosy lady on That was me, so don't worry."
Friday, September 28, 2007
For your reading pleasure
Just thought you would enjoy.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Storage is cheap, why select?
Saying that because storage is cheap we should therefore save everything suggests that at its heart, the issue of selection is a technical question driven primarily by resource constraints. It suggests that we select because we know that we can’t save everything and we therefore need to privilege some records above others in order to create coherent collections. It also suggests that when we have reached a point where it is technically and economically possible to “save everything,” that it is good to do this because it allows us to avoid arbitrary selection decisions, and thereby create a world where information is free and people can pick and choose knowledge objects as they will. This is an attractive belief, but at its heart it’s false. First, the issue of selection is as much an ethical issue as it is a technical and economic issue; and second, selection is inevitable. So the important question related to selection is not how we can avoid it -- we can’t. The important question is two-fold: who will do the selection and how transparent are the selection rules to the people that use the information objects.
In his now-classic “The Documentation Strategy and Archival Appraisal Principles: A Different Perspective,” Richard Cox explicitly highlights twelve primary principles of an archival appraisal theory. Principle 1 is this: “All recorded information has some continuing value to the records creators and to society.” He then notes that this is an assumption held widely by archivists, probably because of the frequency with which they come from the humanities, in particular history. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have to get rid of any information because its very existence implies that it holds some value. In our less than perfect world we have time and resource constraints and must engage in selection and appraisal to determine what will provide the most value.
Archivists, because of their training and expertise in making selection decisions, naturally believe that they are best qualified to make such decisions. Nonetheless, archivists in the digital age are facing selection decisions that they did not face prior to the 20th Century. The other day on O’Reilly Radar Executive Director for the Digital Library Federation Peter Brantley discussed a workshop he participated in at UC Berkeley in which a policy was being sought to determine how to preserve and publicly host incidental war footage from Iraq and other sites of armed conflicts. The Internet Archive took place in these conversations, and Brantley noted:
“of around 250 videos being posted daily at the Internet Archive, approximately 30-50 could potentially be called into a process of review. These include images of hate speech or obvious propaganda, guns, victims, or long distance violence (snipers, car bombs, etc.) Some of the videos are excruciatingly violent (Trust me: extremely graphic and intimate portrayals of war and harm). In some of these videos people are identifiable through the explicit use of names, passport photos, or through questioning that reveals personally-identifiable information.”
A number of questions arise with a situation like this, such as “can someone get killed using information in this video?,” or alternatively, “Could someone get killed because they are seen in this video?”, “Am I helping terrorists recruit or communicate?,” “Am I helping the public understand?”, and “What is the archive’s or curator’s personal responsibility?” for the consequences of this video being publicly viewable?
It seems that with potential information objects such as this, three primary possibilities with regards to the “save everything” approach exist; the first is to save everything and allow it all to be publicly searchable and viewable. I have problems with that – in a society, for example, where a woman’s life could potentially be ruined if not snuffed out because it becomes public knowledge that she was raped, I would hesitate to allow that kind of information to be either publicly searchable or viewable. The second possibility is that everything is saved, but access is restricted. It seems to me that this approach really doesn’t do anything more than push the selection decision to a different rung on the ladder. In other words, a repository could keep the information, but it would still require active data management to ensure that highly sensitive material doesn’t reach the wrong hands. This now implies that the economic constraint of selection still exists, it has simply been pushed to a different level. It also muddies the waters with potential censorship issues and concerns about what will happen if some other organization ends up owning or controlling a given repository? Can we still trust that this unknown “third party” will “do the right thing”? The third possibility is that we wait for some governmental restrictions to be put in place and then we can just pass the moral buck on to the government – a really reassuring thought.
At their heart, selection decisions are decisions that reflect the ethical and culturally ingrained assumptions and values of the people in control of the knowledge objects. To pretend that just allowing a free-for-all will allow us to avoid these types of decisions is somewhat akin to believing that if we just line up all those in power and shoot them, that we will have inevitably changed the moral structures of our society. If not during this revolution, then maybe during the one next decade.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Electronic Frontier Foundation wonder...
Then I stumbled onto the link to the company's Advisory Board:
Talk about your old guard warriors! Sorry to be so ageist and maybe sexist (in reverse?), but these guys are too old and stodgy to be driving innovation in citizen media...and where are the women?? Not the type of gang I would expect to be able to stir up interest, participation, and commitment at the local level.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Yes, it looks like a breadboard, but is it art?
(1) Yes, Boston overdid it yet again.
(2) Yes, I believe that she wore this around campus and that it wouldn't be an unusual thing to wear at MIT.
(3) Having raised two kids past the 19-year-old age point, I suspect that a 19-year-old MIT comp sci/engineering student (who are already known to be more politically active than their peers at other universities) knew exactly what she was doing when she went to the airport. This is what made the t-shirt "art" and not (k/c)raft.
It suggests that whenever you think you may have underestimated the common sense of the Boston authorities that you need to just try, try again.
However, I want to play my part now, so I really want a hoax device t-shirt of my own and I think this one will do nicely:

It can be purchased at
Friday, September 21, 2007
Google to out open FaceBook and unleash the Brazillians
Michael Arrlington further writes:
The short version: Google will announce a new set of APIs on November 5 that will allow developers to leverage Google’s social graph data. They’ll start with Orkut and iGoogle (Google’s personalized home page), and expand from there to include Gmail, Google Talk and other Google services over time.
On November 5 we’ll likely see third party iGoogle gadgets that leverage Orkut’s social graph information - the most basic implementation of what Google is planning. From there we may see a lot more - such as the ability to pull Orkut data outside of Google and into third party applications via the APIs. And Google is also considering allowing third parties to join the party at the other end of the platform - meaning other social networks (think Bebo, Friendster, Twitter, Digg and thousands of others) to give access to their user data to developers through those same APIs.
Dare Obasanjo adds some more detailed insight and speculation on his blog.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
This just in...
"The FCC once again is siding with big telcos at the expense of consumers. This time around, it killed a plan that would offer free wireless broadband to 95% of the U.S., making use of a piece of the wireless spectrum that's unused. Are you surprised?"
iScream, youScream, we all scream for iPod touch
Given all that we know and all that we're learning about social networks, staying "connected," and whatnot, I'm wondering if we can come up with a sort of informational equivalent to the Dunbar number. I mean, how much information can we possibly process on a daily basis at any kind of meaningful level of engagement? That's part of what keeps me from diving headlong into blogging and social networks and why I'm only halfheartedly committed to either Myspace or Facebook. I simply don't have enough time to digest all this stuff! Granted, I keep a pretty insane schedule and sleep less than I should. But I don't find myself quite so drawn to these virtual gathering places or even my favorite blogs as much as I do to good old-fashioned email, major news sites, and hard copy. So old school, I know...
As for the local citizen media sites Paul pointed out, I have to say that I prefer the tried and tested approach of the News & Observer, which is less like citizen media and more like typical newspaper coverage targeted to more local audiences. But it works for me. The STP site seems a bit snarky and somewhat dormant. I do appreciate the OP site, but even though I live in Orange County, I can't see myself turning to it terribly often.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Community Content in Orange County
Orange Chat is the blog collection by the writers of the Chapel Hill News. It's fairly traditional news and you can see from the comments how much reader interaction that's engendered.
But even at that, Orange Chat serves as a jumping off point for the more lively and older Orange Politics (know to insiders as OP). OP articles are posted by a small collection of editors and the OPers, the readers, are highly engaged in most subjects giving a lot of comment and discussion. Of particular interest from our readings is the Question of Trust thread in which a meta-commentary on anonymous postings has drawn over 50 comments so far.
Anonymous posters are more the norm at Squeeze the Pulp (aka STP) which uses more traditional forum software for their discussions. While there are not perhaps as many posters at STP as at OP, STP seems to have attracted a sort of opposition party tone (in opposition to OP management).
Know of others? Have a different take on any or all of the three?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
For the Authors
Enjoy your new powers and use them wisely.