Sunday, September 30, 2007

Story time?

This post is more anecdotal than related to citizen journalism - I know the latter has become the focus of the class but an article and slideshow in the NYT about metafilter gatherings reminded about an online community I was active in while I lived in London.
The site is accessible by invitation only though one can browse at leisure, you just have to be invited in to participate by someone. It was created as a forum, originally, to explore London by Londoners (LBL) and morphed into a community called fridaycities, then meetings started to take place at people's homes and eventually a real-world interaction formed (though fueled by far too many pints). There was a name confusion going on though. Since people on the site have screen-names, at meetups (at least the first few I attended) people referred to each other by their avatar. So i spent some time looking for 'litro-kay' and this was not uncommon.
Social capital is earned by means of 'kudos' which you accumulate and trade for witty comments or adding new people to the network. The people with the most kudos are displayed on a special page.

In any case, i thought it interesting so I'm posting a link to the page

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